Thursday, November 5, 2009


My two favorite presentations were Aubrey Wilson’s on the Myer-Briggs type indicator and Jessica Trevino’s on being a forensic psychologist. For Aubrey’s, I loved the background. It was beautiful with all the colors and how they spiraled. The different colors went along with the description of all the personality types. I have never heard of this test before and found it extremely interesting. Her presentation did a great job of describing the test and the different outcomes possible. I really want to take the test now. The stacking was also well thought-out.
The other presentation I liked was Jessica’s. Her presentation was very informative. I loved the reference to One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. There was amazing stacking and organization. I learned a lot about her topic. There was so much information, but it was not overwhelming or crowed. Everything flowed perfect. If I was not so interested in my own major, I would look into it. I never knew how much forensic psychologist did like pick jurors. The animation was great also.

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