Monday, October 12, 2009

Chris Nolan

Chris Nolan was a very good speaker. I learned so many new things that will help me for school assignments. One of the most impressive things I learned was about Google Scholar. I did not know about that feature, but I will certainly be using it in the future. I also liked hearing about the Easter eggs on websites. I will definitely be searching for them especially the flight simulator on Google. It was cool also to see the comparison of sites for a topic between Google and Yahoo. The most surprising thing I saw was when we had to look up a website and analyze it. I looked up the Martin Luther King Jr. site ( and at first did not really notice anything too disturbing. It was when I started clicking links that I saw that something was wrong. I went to the chat boards and saw they were powered by a group called White Pride and fully realized that this website with Martin Luther King Jr.’s entire name in it, that ends in “.org”, and that pops up on Google as a top site was a white supremacy site against Martin Luther King J. I was completely baffled. I think Google needs to fix their search because that site, no matter how popular, should not be one of the top sites when searching for Martin Luther King Jr.

1 comment:

  1. I am also looking forward to trying out that flight simulator. It is absurd that Google has that result about MLK in their top 3.
